
Bidaai.. April 26th 2010

Date: 26th April 2010

Sapna Babul ka.....Bidaai

Sharma is in great tension as Vinu has not called ever since he’s left to Lucknow. Ragini comes there to find his whereabouts. She asks the contact number of Vinu’s new office from Malti. Malti says she’s been trying but no one is picking the call. Ragini says that even she’ll try once.  She calls up, the peon picks the call. Ragini says that she wants to speak to the manager about Vineet Sharma, an employee whose been sent been sent to Agra on business trip. The peon says that the office is on leave on and as far as he knows no one of the employees have left Agra. Ragini gets a shock listening to this.

Meanwhile Sadhna gets a call on the landlord’s house. She answers the call, it was Vineet, he says he’s in big trouble, he says that he tried calling Ragini, but she wasn’t receiving his call and explains his situation. Sadhna asks him not to get tensed and she will do something about it. Vinu calls his house and speaks to Malti, he says that he wasn’t able to call as he busy in his work. He also says that he is busy and may not call again that day.

Aalekh on his way home stops at the flower shop, he takes the best flowers available there was Sadhna, he reaches home only to find to it locked. He opens the door with his keys he finds a note from Sadhna inside. He reads it and gets tensed. RagVir come home at the time Aalekh gives the note to Ragini which said that Sadhna was going out of Agra for 2 or 3 days on some urgent work, she had also written that she couldn’t give information and she writes that she knows that they trust her completely. Aalekh goes to terrace Ranvir asks Ragini if Maamaji knows anything about it to which she replies he doesn’t and it’s better  they don’t tell him anything about it as he will be tensed [...]

Aalekh feels bad that Sadhna couldn’t inform him he misses her a lot. Meanwhile Ragini gets a call on her mobile. It was Sadhna. Ragini asks her where was she and where’d she go without informing. Sadhna apologizes. Ragini says she trusts her completely; there must be some reason behind this but she says that she’s missing her. They’re just worried about her. Sadhna asks her not to worry and about Aalekh. Ragini asks her to hold on and then she handovers the phone to Aalekh. Sadhna talks to Aalekh he feels better listening to her. He asks her, her whereabouts she says that she’s fine and will tell everything once she returns. Someone calls and she drops. It is shown that she is the police station.

Vasu gets a call from one of her staffs to go to a construction site to approve some designs as Indrajeet wasn’t in town and Naveen was not too much into it. Vasu agrees, leaves to the site. Vasu goes to the site where the Manager says Naveen had rejected the designs even without looking at them. Vasu says that she will take care, the manager shows her three designs she likes one of them a lot and says that she would like to meet the designer. The manager calls the designer, it was none other Aalekh. Shockingly, Vasu behaves normally. Aalekh says that he’s just done his work.

One of the staff comes and says that he has a call Aalekh that it must be Sadhna’s and leaves to answer it, another staff scolds Aalekh, he says it’s time to work not attend Phone calls. Aalekh says that it won’t be repeated. Vasu asks the details of that employee, the Manager says that he is Jaideep, the site supervisor. Aalekh goes to answer the call, but the line was disconnected. He asks the person sitting at the telephone if it was from a lady called Sadhna. The person says that it was he also says she was tensed and was asking him to call Aalekh as fast as possible. Aalekh asks him if he can find from the call has come. The lad says that he will give a try for sure.

 On the Manager’s desk Vasu fires Jaideep and tells the Manager that she wouldn’t prefer seeing him the next time she visits the site. Jaideep, was really hurt as he dint even know what was his mistake. Jaideep was very hurt he gets outraged and shouts out “what does she think of herself, if she is rich doesn’t mean that she just fire anyone she wants”. The other staffs on the site support him saying that it is true; she doesn’t have the liberty to fire anyone she wants. Aalekh listens to this.

Ragini misses Sadhna badly. She speaks to Ranvir about it. Even Ranvir says that Sadhna must have had a valid reason to leave without informing. Ranvir speaks to her quite romantically. Gifts her a bracelet also but it will broken, Ragini doesn't mind it as she is happy that Ranvir gifted it to her. At the time the water stops and Ragini had utensils to wash. Therefore she says Ranvir that she’l get water from Anand’s house. Meanwhile Malti is very sad that Vinu hasn’t called her again. She speaks to her crying son saying that after he returns she will asked him to leave the wretched job. Maamiji comes there. Malti apologizes for listening to Awni and asking Vinu to go the job. Maamaji returns from enquiring at Vinu’s office. He says that Vinu is fine just that he is busy with the job.

At Anand’s place, he will be speaking will the phone. He seemed to speaking to someone like a airline or a railway staff, he will be telling that he doesn’t know the ticket number of that person, he is a relative and therefore it is very important for him to know the arrival time. The staff asks him for his name, shockingly he says that he is “Chirag Raj”, he repeats it when the staff asks him again only to see Ragini at his door. She had come to take the water.  Ragini asks about Chirag, he wards off the matter saying that was trying to contact and therefore taking some info about him. Ragini believes him and asks for water. Anand (Chirag) gets it for her. He asks about Sadhna, Ranvir comes at the right time to help Ragini. Therefore Anand (Chirag) won’t get any info about Sadhna. RagVir leave immediately. He calls the Airline staff again and says that the passengers name is Indrajeet Rajvansh.


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